Just a willingness to have fun and a desire to challenge yourself!

Are you up for a challenge? Could you create something every day for a month (draw, paint, photograph, color, bake, whatever)? What about going for a walk every day for a month? Perhaps simply play a game or make something with Lego every day. Consider joining Fun A Day Exeter.

There are no entry fees and no prizes, no age limit, and no exclusions. Just a creative spark to light the gloom of February.

2025 Dates!

To participate:

Registation required to participate: here

As examples, each day you could

Join our email list to hear about future events: here


Past Exhibitions:


Fun A Day was started in 2004 in Philadelphia, USA by a group of friends (Art Clash) wanting to stay creative through the winter. It has since been adopted across the USA and has ventured as far as Dundee, Scotland. In 2023 it reached Exeter. Exeter residents and recent imports Stephen Fisher and Ali Lucas were really excited to launch Fun A Day in Exeter, conducted through February with an exhibition at Positive Light Projects. The response from the Greater Exeter community was immense and we can't wait to see what the future holds!


Help spread the word:
